What Is The Semilarity Of Academic Text And Non Academic Text

What is the semilarity of academic text and non academic text



cademic and non-academic texts can at times address the same subjects. For example, an article in a newspaper or magazine written for the general public (an example of a non-academic text) could address a subject such as global warming. An academic text could address the same subject, but it would be written for experts in the field and might contain specialized vocabulary and scientific data. In addition, academic texts have usually been reviewed by other scholars and found to meet high standards for research and integrity (in that the sources in the article are all cited and the authors have not appropriated other researchers ideas as their own).  

In addition, both academic and non-academic texts can be useful for researchers and students. For example, if you were trying to research data about global warming, you could read both non-academic texts in the form of newspaper and magazine articles and articles on the Internet, and you could also inform yourself about the subject by reading academic texts in specialized journals.

Finally, the authors of both academic and non-academic texts (at least those non-academic texts published for the public, such as magazine and newspaper articles) are required not to plagiarize. If they use other peoples ideas or words, they need to cite the sources of their information.


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